Assalamuwalikum owarahmatullah.
I have three question. It would be great to have all three answers. Here I go 1. Need to know details of Salatul Tajbeeh Namaz according to Sunnah. Does it permitted in Islam?
2. Can we touch Quran without having Wadu? if not then how can Islam permitted to give it non Muslim as a gift?
3. Its about Shab-e-Qadar. We all know shab-e-qadar can be found in any odd numbered nights of last ten days of ramadan like 21, 23, 25, 27, 29. The Holy Quran was sent down from Loh-e mehfooz to earth on that particular night, it was an exact time. So if we consider that time how can we consider region such as America, Bangladesh etc. as because when they (American) have 21st night of Ramadan we might passing 20nd Ramadan. Hope you understand my point. How you clarify this issue? Thanks